Monday, December 20, 2010

This past weekend we were able to travel to
Ogden to visit family and to get Levi's
Senior pictures taken. My wonderful sister
Ashlee was visiting from Oregon and she
is such an amazing photographer, so we enlisted
her to take some pictures of Levi. These are
just a few of my favorites. It is amazing just how
quickly time goes by. It seems like just yesterday
that Levi was "playing cowboy" pretending the
couch was his horse and saving the world in his
superhero cape. Now he is practically a man. I
am so very proud of him and the honorable young
man that he has grown to be.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

There really hasn't been a lot to blog about lately.
Now that the kids are back in school homework
takes up most of our time. I did receive an early
Christmas present from Elder Harper today.
Here are a few of my favorites.

Monday, November 22, 2010


We would like to introduce you to our new addition!
This is Fred!
He is David's new baby and he is his pride and joy!
When we first got Fred he was very scared, very
smelly and very skinny.
English Pointers are naturally thin dogs, but he was
beyond thin, almost starved.

Fred is soooo spoiled. What Fred wants, Fred gets!

Halloween Party

Cassidy and Cora decided to have a Halloween Party
this year. There was a house full of girls and they
ate, played games, ate, danced, ate, did the limbo, ate,
watched movies and ate some more! What a great
time we all had!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Deer Lodge Montana

We have all been so very blessed to be able to compete
in so many horse shows this year. It has been so much
fun for us as a family. We have had a blast and we have
learned so much. Here are some of the pictures from
The Big Sky Draft Show in Deer Lodge Montana.
This has been our favorite show so far and we hope
to make it a new family tradition.

David driving 4 a-breast for the first time, EVER!
David, Levi, Cherokee, and Cheyenne
Cora in the Youth Team Driving
Cassidy in the Youth Team Driving
Levi in the Youth Team Driving.
He won FIRST place. YAY!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Today was crazy hair day at the Junior High School.
They look pretty crazy to me!

The Eastern Idaho State Fair

We were able to show our horses at the Eastern Idaho
State Fair again this year. We all had a great time.
The kids and I had to come back during the week
for school so we missed David's shows. Since I am
the "official" photographer for our family, I am so
sad that we don't have any pictures of him showing.
He got brave this year and decided to drive a 4-up
for the first time. I hear that he did great! We have
great shots of the kids showing in their classes.
Levi was able to show in the youth team class ages
13-18. He did an amazing job and tied for first place.

Cora driving in the youth team competition

Cora was able to drive in the youth team class for
ages 0-12. The horses were being naughty and
they were not listening to commands and were a little
out of control for a while. Cora was great though!
She kept a smile on and she won 3rd place!

Cassidy driving in youth cart.

Cassidy was able to drive Cherokee in the youth cart
class for ages 13-18. She did great and tied for
1st place!

Cora was able to drive in the youth cart competition.
Cherokee had never been driven on a cart before
and she wasn't behaving like she should
but Cora was a good sport and she had fun anyway.
She took 2nd place!

Our New Wagon

David decided that he wanted to build a new wagon
just 2 weeks before the fair. He did a great job,
and although it wasn't totally completed, it looked
great out there in the show ring. He spent hours
sanding, welding and painting. I can't wait to
see how great it looks when it is finished!

Cassidy and Silver

Cassidy was able to show our mini stallion.
David decided that he liked the name SIlver
instead of Smokey, so he has a new name!
He took 2nd place!

Cora and Shadow

Cora was able to show Shadow with the mini's at the fair.
She took 3rd place.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Franklin County Fair

Cassidy and David getting Frankie ready for the show.
Last minute haircut. Cassidy's cheering section
in the background.
Cassidy and Frankie in the show ring.
Some down time, doing what she loves most.
The fair was a success!

Weber County Fair

David and Dani "Chilaxin" before the show.
David and Levi driving Al
Cassidy and Smokey
Cora and Shadow
